Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I have a secret!

I’ve started decorating for Valentine’s Day. I pulled out all of my cupids and hearts, all the red and pink balls came off the tree; whatever I could find that looked “romantic”. I don’t have that much, just a few odds and ends but I like changing things up.

My Mother made this egg when she was pregnant with my sister in 1964. I 'm not sure how many she originally made (they were Christmas decorations) but this is the last one. I remember that every year we put them on the tree she would tell us about making them, it's one of those things I hope to pass on to my kids.

Now, are you ready for my secret???

I still have our Christmas tree up in the Parlor!


  1. I love all of the vintage decor, and I am very partial to things that have been handed down, it makes them all the more sweeter to have!

  2. Kathy,

    I found your blog via Victoria's blog. I love your old home. I too, believe that things are more precious when they have history - like the egg your mother made; something you can pass on to your children. I enjoyed reading through some of your posts and will be returning. I hope you find the peace you are searching for this new year.

    - Deborah


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