We had a really nice weekend spending quality time with each other. I may have even snuck in a new Keurig coffee maker I have been wanting for 2 years (a girls gotta have priorities!).
My crazy life trying to navigate as a single 40 something!
Louisa making sure Uncle Buzz doesn't fall off the roof!
Do you like my curtains? A line, clothes pins and vintage inspired towels, I love it!
The floor needs to be replaced, the gas needs to be hooked up for the dryer and I'm going to start looking for a white floor cabinet but for $40 I think we did a great job.
Also it gave me much needed time with my husband, I had forgotten how well we work together. Can it be possible that a day of painting and patching a room can repair a marriage too? I think we are on the right track...
Thursday I went into our shed (seen here to the left of the kids) to look for a net. I have been in there many times, usually I just sigh and close the door. It's an eyesore and a full of at least 90 years of "stuff" left by previous owners. Our neighbor had a shed next to it, so close in fact you couldn't walk between the two if you tried, he tore it down shortly after this picture was taken. When his came down we realized that the wall that touched his was so rusted it was only being held up by that rust. We got a friendly call from our neighborhood Inspector and then my Brother-in-Law came to replace that side. We would love to tear it down and replace it but it was built right on our property line and now with all the rules we would have to do some creative building. So, for now... it stays.
This is a picture of our shed that was taken approximately 100 years ago when it was first built! Look how straight it is, no rust, no dings in the metal, BEAUTIFUL! The Aspegren family must have built it before they left sometime around 1911. It has been modified a little over time but largely remains the same.
Now, getting back to the net... So I went inside to look for a net and I spied a red lantern that Matt and I bought years ago on one of our camping trips. I thought it would look cute on the porch so I pulled it off the shelf (which I could barely reach!). As I did something fell and I grabbed it. To my surprise, it was this...
I'm not sure what it is or who left it there but I assume it's a fancy bracket from a piece of furniture. If you look closely you will see the carving is of a woman's face. It's beautiful to say the least. I've looked on that shelf at least 100 times and I never saw it. Most of the time I only find "stuff" this time I think I found a Treasure!
Happy Wednesday!