Friday, March 19, 2010


Here's what they don't tell you when you become a Mother:

For the next 8 - 10 years you will be constantly pouring drinks, wiping bottoms (hopefully that ends at age 4!), getting snacks, preparing crafts, looking at said craft, wiping up paint on the floor (table or wall), doing homework, laying out school clothes, fixing meals (in between the snacks, of course), gluing broken toys, reading books, turning on DVDs, playing with Barbie, Hotwheels, cards, board games, etc..., tying shoes, changing clothes (for fun not because they are dirty), approving web pages, books and TV shows, listening to endless bickering about who gets to sit in the choice spot, chauffeuring to and from wherever, coloring, breaking up fights, picking up toys and anything else the little darlings can think of (did I mention that was just what I did in one day??).

What I have not told you is I also work outside of the house 2 mornings a week, fix meals, wash clothes and anything and everything involved in cleaning this big old house (I am a confessed neat nick so this is a big part of my day).

Why am I telling you this???

Well, I'm exhausted and I needed a break!

Have a great weekend!


  1. It's a Calgon take me away moment!

    A man's work is from sun to sun, but a mother's work is never done. ~Author Unknown

  2. Im tired from just reading this girl! I hope that you had a wonderfully rested weekend and are recharged and ready for another hectic week! -V

  3. I felt that when I had my children raised I could take a big sigh of relief and do all the many things I had dreamed of for years. I had two children, taught school, catered part time,and took care of ailing parents for years. I thought I would never get a good night's sleep again. But then my parents died, my children grew up, married and moved out, we retired and our life was our own for three years. I think I just rested for most of those three years. Then along came two wonderful grandchildren and we are in the baby business all over again. We all live in the same town. We now keep a 3 and a 4 year old, do laundry, cook for 6 to 10 people 3 nights a week and yes, I go home exhausted some nights. I'm certainly not as young as I once was. I have learned to not be a perfectionist. No one cares if the house is a little messy, in fact, they seem to prefer it that way since they are the ones that mess it up. We sometimes eat on paper plates (never in front of the tv. Gran's rule is that we all sit down and eat and talk together) I have learned to go with the flow and relax and this time around I am enjoying it so much more. I teasure little moments with my little peeps and my grown children and I play much more (even by myself) than I used to. Just relax and know that each day is different and has some very special moments if you watch for them. Enjoy each day even if it is a messy disaster. We have been married for almost 42 years and there have been good times and bad but our bond to each other has strengthed over time and today may be the best day of our life. Who knows? Hang in there.


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