Friday, January 28, 2011

School Daze

I was originally going to write this post on Monday and it was going to be about how the previous owners of my house had stripped everything good out of it (except for a few doorknobs and window lifts). My original light fixtures have been replaced and the 1960s chandelier has even been stripped of it's crystal prisms, the old light switches are gone, the claw foot bathtub is no more. And although I'm sure the owners thought they were "updating" this house what they did was strip it of it's history. It makes me sad to think of all the treasures this old house is missing.

Anyway, like I said that was supposed to be the original post. For most of the week, however, my mind has been consumed by thoughts of what to do about school next year from my two kids. The public school system in our city is at best passable and at worst dangerous. They have been attending a private school but it also falls short. Although it has great teachers this year there are a few that are long overdue to retire and the governing body is blinded by their own small mindedness.

Along with two of my friends the idea of homeschooling came up. This is something I swore I would never do, I think kids need to be in school for the social aspect if for nothing else. But when you feel that your kids are being shortchanged in the learning department and you have no other option... well, what exactly do you do? My children are the most important people in my life (my husband gladly comes 2nd!) and our philosophy has always been that we do what is best for them.

In the next few weeks I'm going to have to do a lot of soul searching and investigating to make sure this is, in fact, the correct choice for me and my children. I would love to hear from other homeschooling parents, I need all the help I can get right now.

Have a great weekend - I'm going to a Garage Sale Gala tomorrow night so hopefully Monday I'll have some new treasures to blog about!


  1. We don't have kids, but we're at the age most of our friends have school age children. The number of families who have not only decided to homeschool, but who have had incredible success with it has really surprised me. I had always thought homeschooling was a little nutty, but I don't know anyone who has done it and regretted it. All were nervous until their children took the standardized tests and their performance scores actually went up from the year before when they were attending a traditional school. Seeing their success with homeschooling has really made me a lot less nervous about what we'll do if we have kids. We're in an area where private schools that are average run about 10k a year, and the public schools aren't an option. We figure it's better to save the money for college. Sorry I don't have a first hand experience to share, but I would try and find a support/parents group in your area. Our homeschooling friends seem to keep in a touch a bit with other area homeschooling parents, some even plan group field trips, etc.

  2. Kathy,

    I only know one person who home schooled and it was a failure. She was not disciplined or consistent enough. I do, however, know quite a few bloggers that home school successfully. Cindy Harvey (Cottage Instincts) is one and has a blog dedicated specifically to home schooling:

    Hope it helps.

    Your Friend,

  3. Deborah Jean's Dandelion house offers up some very good home schooling advice, and I hope that when Mr. Major and I do finally settle down and have children - that we will be financially able to allow me to stay at home with our little ones.

    Im sure she would be more then happy to help you with any of your questions! More power to you for taking action into your own hands!


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