Monday, March 28, 2011

Working out the details

Yesterday I had to spill the beans about our plans for homeschooling to my son. He's seen me reading how-to books, organizing cabinets with school books and supplies and going to "meetings". He's too smart to let it pass so yesterday he finally asked me why all of this was happening. I told him as little as possible (he has a need to know everything, so it wasn't easy). I want him to know what we are thinking about but I'm still keeping all of the details to myself. I made him a promise that on the last day of school I would give him the full run down, only two more months.

At first he looked at me like I had two heads and then he asked the question I knew would be first "You mean I'm going to have to leave all my friends?". That's not an easy one, how do you tell your child you're taking him away from his security? After I explained the good points to him I could see a little spark in his eye. He had a few minutes to think about it and then he was on board! There are so many advantages to this way of learning and the more I hear the more I can understand why it works.

When I went to school my parents didn't have to think about where I went to school or the quality of that school. There were no SOLs and "No Child Left Behind" wasn't even a thought yet. Don't get me started on those two ideas... My best friend's fathers were a lawyer and a doctor. They could have gone to private school if they wanted to but we had a good school so it wasn't even questioned. The hardest obstacle we have had to overcome with our children is schooling. We knew before we had kids that we would never send them to our neighborhood public school and when we found the private school they attend I had been warned by many to beware. I figured that we could just supplement what they weren't getting at home. What I didn't know is that paying for your child's education doesn't mean you will be heard at the school when there is a problem; and I certainly didn't figure that our concerns would be ignored.

I still have a lot to figure out and some days I panic because I'll be in charge of my child's education but once we hit our stride I think we'll find it suits our family. This might be the answer we have been searching for all along.



  1. I was home schooled from 6th grade onward (and 2nd-3rd). I spent my senior year doing jump-start at the local college. Home schooling really is ideal, especially for even remotely gifted kids. I think you're all going to love it.

    Going back to public school after two years of home schooling was like being submerged in some kind of sticky gooey slow-moving mud, so we went back to the home schooling, and I couldn't be happier as an adult that we did. It really fosters a lifelong love of learning.

  2. I really think it will be the answer. Both of my parents were teachers growing up, and while I don't have my own children...yet :) I do plan on homeschooling ours if I am able to. Public school systems now have become such a sad place and the scary thing is so many people are okay with it being that way. My mother has been teaching for over 15 years and to this day she still swears by homeschooling.

    I am so excited to read about your adventures with teaching your wonderful children. I know you will do a fabulous job!

  3. Kathy,

    I go back and forth with home schooling probably because it was my "escape" as a child and I do have fond memories of favorite teachers. However, I like knowing that you are in control of the agenda and they will not be subjected to some students that can make the experience a living hell. People often debate that it is good for a child to have 'other views'. It is my experience that many graduating with degrees are not educated, they've just mastered test taking.
    I know you will do a wonderful job teaching. You already imparted a strong love of learning.

    Your Friend,


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